Teaching and Learning Together at Eastern Michigan University
Teaching and Learning Together at Eastern Michigan University
Jeffrey L. Bernstein and Alivia "Liv" Overbee
From Car Conversation to Collaborative Conference: Building Faculty-Student Partnerships at Eastern Michigan University
Jeffrey L. Bernstein and Alivia "Liv" Overbee
Shifting Roles and Processes in a Collaborative Course (Re)Design Learning Community
Sarah M. Ginsberg and Shanna R. Morrison
From Design to Implementation: Developing a Learning Community to Understand Student-Instructor Partnerships in Clinical Education
Courtney Lewis and Alivia English
Did 'Flipping the Script' Flip Perceptions? The Impact of a Student-Led Teaching Conference
Alivia "Liv" Overbee and Trinity Perkins
The Long-Term Impacts of Working as Student Leaders in the TaLT Program
Lauren Silvia and Jessi Kwek
Reflections on Student-Faculty Partnership in the Redesign of an Upper Level STEM Course
Deborah L. Heyl-Clegg and Jennifer R. Kean
Leveraging Emotional Contagion with an Attitude of Gratitude
Adrienna Bartnicki and Rachel Tindall
The Student Becomes the Teacher
Kaycee Johnson