
Spring 2014

In This Issue:

I. Introduction: Toward a Theory of Academic Self-Awareness, in which Joshua Bucheister, Haverford College, Class of 2014, presents the notion of ‘academic self-awareness,’ which he defines as how we feel, choose, and act when we deliberately take in, take ownership of, and re-circulate knowledge in and beyond the college classroom.

II. Leadership Through Consensus: Reflections on My First Year at Haverford, in which Dan Weiss, President of Haverford College, argues for a notion of and practice of leadership that is collaborative—a project undertaken as a form of partnership with those in the academic community.

III. Blank Slates and Intellectual Self-Confidence, in which Devin Van Dyke, Haverford College, Class of 2014, argues against the concept of students as blank slates and asserts the importance of students’ personal as well as academic development during the crucial college years.

IV. The Secret History of Awkward Silences, in which Alice Boone, a Lecturer at UCLA and former Visiting Assistant Professor of English at Haverford College, describes an experimental classroom practice where students and professors treat awkwardness with the respect (or frivolity, or frustration) that they would the assigned reading.

V. Havin’ it Your Way, in which Arman Terzian, Haverford College, Class of 2014, describes how he revised his approach to writing and argues for a balance between confidence in one’s own abilities and the confidence to ask for help.



Havin’ It Your Way
Arman Terzian