Physics Faculty Research and Scholarship | Physics | Bryn Mawr College


Submissions from 2003


Comment on "Performance of Different Synchronization Measures in Real Data: A Case Study on Electroencephalographic Signals", R. B. Duckrow and Alfonso M. Albano


Back and Forth Between Rydberg Atoms and Ultracold Plasmas, T. F. Gallagher, P. Pillet, M. P. Robinson, B. Laburthe-Tolra, and Michael Noel


Millimeter-Wave Spectroscopy of Cold Rb Rydberg Atoms in a Magneto-Optical Trap: Quantum Defects of the ns, np, and nd Series, Wenhui Li, I. Mourachko, Michael Noel, and T. F. Gallagher

Submissions from 2002


Rydberg-Atom Population Transfer By Population Trapping in a Chirped Microwave Pulse, J. Lambert, Michael Noel, and T. F. Gallagher

Submissions from 2001


A new mechanism for spin-lattice relaxation of heavy nuclei in the solid state: 207Pb relaxation in lead nitrate, John B. Grutzner, Kevin W. Stewart, Roderick E. Wasylishen, Michael D. Lumsden, Cecil Dybowski, and Peter A. Beckmann


Polarization Effects in Quantum Coherences Probed By Two-Color, Resonant Four-Wave Mixing in the Time Domain, Elizabeth McCormack and E. Sarajlic


Microwave Ionization of an Atomic Electron Wave Packet, Michael Noel, Lung Ko, and T. F. Gallagher


Microwave Ionization of an Atomic Electron Wave Packet, Michael W. Noel, Lung Ko, and T. F. Gallagher

Submissions from 2000


H-1 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spin-Lattice Relaxation, C-13 Magic-Angle-Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, and X-Ray Diffraction of Two Polymorphs of 2,6-Di-Tert-Butylnaphthalene, Peter A. Beckmann, Kendra S. Burbank, Katharine M. Clemo, Erin N. Slonaker, Kristin Averill, Cecil Dybowski, Joshua S. Figueroa, Alicia Glatfelter, Stephanie Koch, Louise M. Liable-Sands, and Arnold L. Rheingold


Staircase Band Gap Si 1-xGex/Si Photodectectors, Zhiyun Lo, Ruolian Jiang, Youdou Zheng, Lan Zang, Zhizhong Chen, Shunming Zhu, Xuemei Cheng, and Xiabing Liu


Classical subharmonic resonances in microwave ionization of lithium Rydberg atoms, Michael W. Noel, W. M. Griffith, and T. F. Gallagher


Superlattices, polymorphs, and solid state NMR spin-lattice relaxation measurements of 2,6-di-t-butylnaphthalene, Arnold L. Rheingold, Joshua S. Figueroa, Cecil Dybowski, and Peter A. Beckmann


Spontaneous Evolution of Rydberg Atoms into an Ultracold Plasma, M. P. Robinson, B. Laburthe Tolra, Michael W. Noel, T. F. Gallagher, and P. Pillet

Submissions from 1999


Room-Temperature Blue Luminescence of Thermally Oxidized Si1-x-yGexCy Thin Films on Si (100) Substrates, Xuemei Cheng, Youdou Zheng, Xiabing Liu, Lan Zang, Zhiyun Lo, Shunming Zhu, Ping Han, and Ruolian Jiang


The Effect of Laser Bandwidth on the Signal Detected in Two-Color, Resonant Four-Wave Mixing Spectroscopy, F. Di Teodoro and Elizabeth McCormack


Population Trapping in Extremely Highly Excited States in Microwave Ionization, Michael W. Noel, W. M. Griffith, and T. F. Gallagher

Submissions from 1998


Theoretical Treatment of Quasibound Resonances in Two-Color Resonant Four-Wave Mixing Spectroscopy, F. Di Teodoro and Elizabeth McCormack


Phase and Risetime Dependence Using RF Pulses in Multiphoton Processes, W. M. Griffith, Michael W. Noel, and T. F. Gallagher


Dynamics of Rydberg States of Nitric Oxide Probed By Two-Color Resonant Four-Wave Mixing Spectroscopy, Elizabeth McCormack, F. Di Teodoro, J. M. Grochocinski, and S. T. Pratt


Frequency Modulated Excitation of a Two-Level Atom, Michael W. Noel, W. M. Griffith, and T. F. Gallagher

Submissions from 1996


Polarization Stability and Dynamics in a Model for a Polarization-Isotropic Laser That Goes Beyond Third-Order Lamb Theory, N. B. Abraham, Mark Matlin, and R. S. Gioggia


Excitation of an Atomic Electron to a Coherent Superposition of Macroscopically Distinct States, Michael W. Noel and C. R. Stroud Jr.

Submissions from 1995


Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Distinguishes Attractors with Similar Dimensions, Alfonso M. Albano, P. E. Rapp, and A. Passamante


Young's Double-Slit Interferometry within an Atom, Michael W. Noel and C. R. Stroud Jr.


Solid state proton spin relaxation and methyl reorientation in isopropylbenzene, Amy L. Plofker and Peter A. Beckmann

Submissions from 1994


Solid state proton spin relaxation and methyl and t-butyl reorientation, Peter A. Beckmann, Hania A. Al‐Hallaq, Anne M. Fry, Amy L. Plofker, Brian A. Roe, and Jessica A. Weiss


Solid State Proton Spin Relaxation and Methyl and t-Butyl Reorientation, Peter A. Beckmann, Hania A. Al-Hallaq, Anne M. Fry, Amy L. Plofker, Brian A. Roe, and Jessica A. Weiss


Excitation of the classical-limit state of an atom, Z. D. Gaeta, Michael W. Noel, and C. R. Stroud Jr.


The Algorithmic Complexity of Neural Spike Trains Increases During Focal Seizures, P. E. Rapp, I. D. Zimmerman, E. P. Vining, N. Cohn, Alfonso M. Albano, and M. A. Jimenez Montano

Submissions from 1993


Dipole-dipole spin relaxation in solids. The unrestricted hopping model and the methyl proton - non-methyl proton interaction, Christopher Palmer, Alfonso M. Albano, and Peter A. Beckmann


Filtered Noise Can Mimic Low-Dimensional Chaotic Attractors, P. E. Rapp, Alfonso M. Albano, T. I. Schmah, and L. A. Farwell

Submissions from 1992


Mutual Information, Strange Attractors, and the Optimal Estimation of Dimension, J. M. Martinerie, Alfonso M. Albano, A. I. Mees, and P. E. Rapp

Submissions from 1991


Solid State Proton Spin Relaxation in Ethylbenzenes: Methyl Reorientation Barriers and Molecular Structure, Peter A. Beckmann, Laura Happersett, Antonia V. Herzog, and William M. Tong


Solid State Proton Spin Relaxation and t-Butyl and Methyl Group Reorientation in 1-Bromo-2,4,6-Tri-t-Butylbenzene, Anne M. Fry, Peter A. Beckmann, Albert J. Fry, Peter C. Fox, and Ari Isenstadt

Submissions from 1990


Correlation-Dimension Calculations for Broadband Intensity Fluctuations in Emission from a Heavily Saturated Source of Amplified Spontaneous Emission, B. Das, Alfonso M. Albano, and N. B. Abraham


Methyl reorientation in methylphenanthrenes. II. Solid-state proton spin-lattice relaxation in the 1-CH3, 9-CH3, and 1-CD3, 9-CH3 systems, F B. Mallory, C. W. Mallory, K. G. Conn, and Peter A. Beckmann

Submissions from 1989


Thermally Activated Methyl and t-Butyl Group Reorientation in Solids, Peter A. Beckmann

Submissions from 1988


Singular-Value Decomposition and the Grassberger-Procaccia Algorithm, Alfonso M. Albano, J. Muench, C. Schwartz, A. I. Mees, and P. E. Rapp


Spectral densities and nuclear spin relaxation in solids, Peter A. Beckmann


Nuclear-spin relaxation in molecular solids with reorienting methyl and t-butyl groups: The spectral density and the state of the solid, Peter A. Beckmann, Audrey I. Hill, Ellen B. Kohler, and Hong Yu


Nuclear-Spin Relaxation in Molecular Solids with Reorienting Methyl and t-Butyl Groups: The Spectral Density and the State of the Solid, Peter A. Beckmann, Audrey I. Hill, Ellen B. Kohler, and Hong Yu

Submissions from 1987


Semiclassical Analysis of a Detuned Ring Laser with a Saturable Absorber: New Results for the Steady States, D. E. Chyba, N. B. Abraham, and Alfonso M. Albano

Submissions from 1986


Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and relaxation in molecular solids containing isopropyl groups. Part 2—The large two-phase temperature region in 1,4-di-isopropylbenzene, Peter A. Beckmann


Deuteron Zeeman Relaxation of CD4 in the Isotropic Liquid, the Liquid Crystalline, and the Solid State of Several Substances, Peter A. Beckmann, Myer Bloom, and E. Elliott Burnell


Methyl and Tert-Butyl Reorientation and Distributions of Activation Energies in Molecular Solids: A Nuclear Spin-Relaxation Study in 2,4- and 2,5-Di-Tert-Butylhydroxybenzene, Peter A. Beckmann, A. M. Cheung, E. E. Fisch, F. A. Fusco, R. E. Herzog, and M. Narisimhan

Submissions from 1985


Low-Dimensional Chaotic Attractors for an Unstable, Inhomogeneously Broadened, Single-Mode Laser, Alfonso M. Albano, J. Abounadi, T. H. Chyba, C. E. Searle, S. Yong, R. S. Gioggia, and N. B. Abraham

Nuclear spin relaxation and internal motion in molecular solids containing isopropyl groups. Part 1—An introductory Zeeman relaxation study, Peter A. Beckmann; Angela M. Cheung; Ruth E. Herzog; Emily E. Fisch; Manjula Narasimhan,; Clelia W. Mallory; and Frank B. Mallory

Submissions from 1984


Nuclear-Spin-Relaxation Study of Internal Motion in Two Organic Molecular Solids, Alfonso M. Albano, Peter A. Beckmann, M. E. Carrington, E. E. Fisch, F. A. Fusco, A. E. O'Neill, and Mary E. Scott

Submissions from 1983


A general NMR spectral density and its experimental verification, A. M. Albano, Peter A. Beckmann, M. E. Carrington, F. A. Fusco, A. E. O'Neill, and M. E. Scott

Submissions from 1980


A deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance study of chain disorder in lamellar potassium palmitate: The effect of long and short chain guests, Peter A. Beckmann, E. E. Burnell, M. A. Heldman, K. R. Northey, and T. P. Higgs


Solid State Phase Transitions and Molecular Reorientation in Ortho-Carborane and Para-Carborane: An Isomer Effect, Peter A. Beckmann and Amos J. Leffler


Proton Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Meta-Carborane, Peter A. Beckmann and Armin Wendel

Submissions from 1979


Proton spin relaxation and methyl and hydroxy group motion, Peter A. Beckmann

Submissions from 1978


Electron spin relaxation and tunnelling methyl groups, Peter A. Beckmann and S. Clough


Proton spin-lattice relaxation and methyl group rotation, Peter A. Beckmann, C. I. Ratcliffe, and B. A. Dunell

Submissions from 1977


The electron-methyl group spin-spin interaction, Peter A. Beckmann


Nuclear spin relaxation and centrifugal distortion effects in dilute silane gas, Peter A. Beckmann and E. E. Burnell


Nuclear spin-lattice relaxation and activation energies of tunnelling methyl groups, Peter A. Beckmann and S. Clough


The Haupt Effect: Coupled rotational and dipolar relaxation of methyl groups, Peter A. Beckmann, S. Clough, J. W. Hennel, and J. R. Hill

Submissions from 1976


Proton spin relaxation in dilute methane gas: A symmetrized theory and its experimental verification, Peter A. Beckmann, M. Bloom, and I. Ozier


Nuclear spin relaxation by intramolecular interactions in gases of homonuclear diatomic molecules, Myer Bloom, Peter A. Beckmann, and B C. Sanctuary

Submissions from 1972


Observation of the influence of centrifugal distortion of the methane molecule on nuclear spin relaxation in the gas., Peter A. Beckmann, M. Bloom, and E. E. Burnell


Observation of the influence of centrifugal distortion of the methane molecule on nuclear spin relaxation in the gas., Peter A. Beckmann, M. Bloom, and E. E. Burnell


Nuclear-Spin Relaxation in Low-Density Molecular Hydrogen at Room Temperature, Peter A. Beckmann, E. Elliott Burnell, Krovvidi Lalita, Robin L. Armstrong, Kenneth E. Kisman, and F. R. McCourt