Submissions from 2025
Coordinating the Energetic Strategy of Glia and Neurons for Memory, Hannah Shoenhard and Amita Sehgal
Submissions from 2023
Inferring Balancing Selection From Genome-Scale Data, Barbara D. Bitarello, Débora Y C Brandt, Diogo Meyer, and Aida M. Andrés
Minerogenic salt marshes can function as important inorganic carbon stores, Peter Mueller, Lars Kutzbach, Thomas J. Mozdzer, Emil Jespersen, Donald C. Barber, and Franziska Eller
Submissions from 2022
Towards mapping biodiversity from above: Can fusing lidar and hyperspectral remote sensing predict taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic tree diversity in temperate forests?, Aaron G. Kamoske, Kyla M. Dahlin, Quentin D. Read, Sydne Record, Scott C. Stark, Shawn P. Serbin, and Phoebe L. Zarnetske
Standardized NEON organismal data for biodiversity research, Daijiang Li, Sydne Record, Eric R. Sokol, Matthew E. Bitters, Melissa Y. Chen, Y. Anny Chung, Matthew R. Helmus, Ruvi Jaimes, Lara Jansen, Marta A. Jarzyna, Michael G. Just, Jalene M. LaMontagne, Brett A. Melbourne, Wynne Moss, Kari E. A. Norman, Stephanie M. Parker, Natalie Robinson, Bijan Seyednasrollah, Colin Smith, Sarah Spaulding, Thilina D. Surasinghe, Sarah K. Thomsen, and Phoebe L. Zarnetske
Shade and drought increase fungal contribution to partially mycoheterotrophic terrestrial orchids Goodyera pubescens and Tipularia discolor, Melissa K. McCormick, Kerry L. Good, Thomas J. Mozdzer, and Dennis F. Whigham
Rapid evolution of a coastal marsh ecosystem engineer in response to global change, Thomas J. Mozdzer, Melissa K. McCormick, Ingrid J. Slette, Michael J. Blum, and J. Patrick Megonigal
Open data facilitate resilience in science during the COVID-19 pandemic, Sydne Record, Marta A. Jarzyna, Brady Hardiman, and Andrew D. Richardson
Submissions from 2021
Broadening the ecological mindset, Ellison M. Aaron, Audrey A. Barker Plotkin, Manisha V. Patel, and Sydne Record
Exploring Microbiome Functional Dynamics through Space and Time with Trait-Based Theory, Leonora S. Bittleston, Zachary B. Freedman, Jessica R. Bernardin, Jacob J. Grothjan, Erica B. Young, Sydne Record, Benjamin Baiser, and Sarah M. Gray
Modular Organization of Engulfment Receptors and Proximal Signaling Networks: Avenues to Reprogram Phagocytosis, Emily A. Britt, Vanessa Gitau, Amara Saha, and Adam Williamson
Modular Organization of Engulfment Receptors and Proximal Signaling Networks: Avenues to Reprogram Phagocytosis, Emily A. Britt, Vanessa Gitau, Amara Saha, and Adam Williamson
A Test of Species Distribution Model Transferability Across Environmental and Geographic Space for 108 Western North American Tree Species, Noah D. Charney, Sydne Record, Beth E. Gerstner, Cory Merow, Phoebe L. Zarnetske, and Brian J. Enquist
Environment–host–microbial interactions shape the Sarraceniapurpurea microbiome at the continental scale, Zachary B. Freedman, Alicia McGrew, Benjamin Baiser, Mathilde Besson, Dominique Gravel, Timothée Poisot, Sydne Record, Lauren B. Trotta, and Nicholas J. Gotelli
Responses of stomatal features and photosynthesis to porewater N enrichment and elevated atmospheric CO2 in Phragmites australis, the common reed, Julian R. Garrison, Joshua S. Caplan, Vladimir Douhovnikoff, Thomas J. Mozdzer, and Barry A. Logan
Scalability and performance tradeoffs in quantifying relationships between elevation and tidal wetland plant communities, James R. Holmquist, Lisa Schile-Beers, Kevin Buffington, Meng Lu, Thomas J. Mozdzer, Jefferson Riera, Donald E. Weller, Meghan Williams, and J Patrick Megonigal
The dual nature of metacommunity variability, Thomas Lamy, Nathan I. Wisnoski, Riley Andrade, Max C. N. Castorani, Aldo Compagnoni, Nina Lany, Luca Marazzi, Sydne Record, Christopher M. Swan, Jonathan D. Tonkin, Nicole Voelker, Shaopeng Wang, Phoebe L. Zarnetske, and Eric R. Sokol
Addressing bias in faculty retention, Sparkle L. Malone and Sydne Record
Harnessing the NEON data revolution to advance open environmental science with a diverse and data-capable community, R. Chelsea Nagy, Jennifer K. Balch, Erin K. Bissell, Megan E. Cattau, Nancy F. Glenn, Benjamin S. Halpern, Nayani Ilangakoon, Brian Johnson, Maxwell B. Joseph, Sergio Marconi, Catherine O'Riordan, and Sydne Record
ecocomDP: A flexible data design pattern for ecological community survey data, Margaret O'Brien, Colin A. Smith, Eric R. Sokol, Corinna Gries, Nina Lany, Sydne Record, and Max C. N. Castorani
Novel Insights to Be Gained From Applying Metacommunity Theory to Long-Term, Spatially Replicated Biodiversity Data, Sydne Record, Nicole M. Voelker, Phoebe L. Zarnetske, Nathan I. Wisnoski, Jonathan D. Tonkin, Christopher Swan, Luca Marazzi, Nina Lany, Thomas Lamy, Ado Compagnoni, Max C. N. Castorani, Riley Andrade, and Eric R. Sokol
The geodiv r package: Tools for calculating gradient surface metrics, Annie C. Smith, Kyla M. Dahlin, Sydne Record, Jennifer K. Costanza, Adam M. Wilson, and Phoebe L. Zarnetske
Studies of insect temporal trends must account for the complex sampling histories inherent to many long-term monitoring efforts, Ellen A.R. Welti, Anthony Joern, Aaron M. Ellison, David C. Lightfoot, Sydne Record, Nicholas Rodenhouse, Emily H. Stanley, and Michael Kaspari
Submissions from 2020
Loss of foundation species revisited: conceptual framework with lessons learned from eastern hemlock and whitebark pine, Allyson L. Degrassi, Steven Brantley, Carrie R. Levine, Jacqueline Mohan, Sydne Record, Diana F. Tomback, and Aaron M. Ellison
Seedling survival declines with increasing conspecific density in a common temperate tree, Fiona V. Jevon, Sydne Record, John Grady, Ashley K. Lang, David A. Orwig, Matthew P. Ayres, and Jaclyn H. Matthes
Synergies Among Environmental Science Research and Monitoring Networks: A Research Agenda, J. A. Jones, P. M. Groffman, J. Blair, F. W. Davis, H. Dugan, E. E. Euskirchen, S. D. Frey, T. K. Harms, E. Hinckley, M. Kosmala, S. Loberg, S. Malone, Sydne Record, A. V. Rocha, B. L. Ruddell, E. H. Stanley, C. Sturtevant, A. Thorpe, T. White., W. R. Wieder, L. Zhai, and K. Zhu
Unraveling the Gordian Knot: Eight testable hypotheses on the effects of nutrient enrichment on tidal wetland sustainability, Thomas J. Mozdzer, Elizabeth B. Watson, William H. Orem, Christopher M. Swarzenski, and R. Eugene Turner
Plant species determine tidal wetland methane response to sea level rise, Peter Mueller, Thomas J. Mozdzer, J. Adam Langley, Lillian R. Aoki, Genevieve L. Noyce, and J. Patrick Megonigal
Submissions from 2019
Nitrogen enrichment alters carbon fluxes in a New England salt marsh, Emily K. Geoghegan, Joshua S. Caplan, Francine N. Leech, Paige E. Weber, Caitlin E. Bauer, and Thomas J. Mozdzer
Hemimethylation of CpG dyads is characteristic of secondary DMRs associated with imprinted loci and correlates with 5-hydroxymethylcytosine at paternally methylated sequences, Julianna Nechin, Emma Tunstall, Naideline Raymond, Nicole Hamagami, Chris Pathmanabhan, Samantha Forestier, and Tamara L. Davis
Submissions from 2018
Nitrogen uptake kinetics and saltmarsh plant responses to global change, Grace M. Cott, Joshua S. Caplan, and Thomas J. Mozdzer
Global-change effects on early-stage decomposition processes in tidal wetlands – implications from a global survey using standardized litter, Peter Mueller; Lisa M. Schile-Beers; Thomas J. Mozdzer; Gail L. Chmura; Thomas Dinter; Yakov Kuzyakov; Alma V. de Groot; Peter Esselink; Christian Smit; Andrea D'Alpaos; Carles Ibáñez; Magdalena Lazarus; Urs Neumeier; Beverly J. Johnson; Andrew H. Baldwin; Stephanie A, Yarwood; Diana I. Montemayor; Zaichao Yang; Jihua Wu; Kai Jensen; and Stefanie Nolte
Identifying foundation species in North American forests using long‐term data on ant assemblage structure, Sydne Record, Tempest McCabe, Benjamin Baiser, and Aaron M. Ellison
Does scale matter? A systematic review of incorporating biological realism when predicting changes in species distributions, Sydne Record, Angela Strecker, Mao-Ning Tuanmu, Phoebe Zarnetske, Jonathan Belmaker, and Beth Gerstner
Submissions from 2017
Cosmopolitan Species As Models for Ecophysiological Responses to Global Change: The Common Reed Phragmites australis, Franziska Eller, Hana Skálová, Joshua S. Caplan, Ganesh P. Bhattarai, Melissa K. Burger, James T. Cronin, Wen-Yong Guo, Xiao Guo, Eric L.G. Hazelton, Karin M. Kettenring, Carla Lambertini, Meilla K. McCormick, Laura A. Meyerson, Thomas J. Mozdzer, Petr Pysek, Brian K. Sorrell, Dennis F. Whigham, and Hans Brix
Asymmetric DNA methylation of CpG dyads is a feature of secondary DMRs associated with the Dlk1/Gtl2 imprinting cluster in mouse, Megan Guntrum, Ekaterina Vlasova, and Tamara L. Davis
Submissions from 2016
Novel and Lost Forests in the Upper Midwestern United States, from New Estimates of Settlement-Era Composition, Stem Density, and Biomass, Simon J. Goring, David J. Mladenoff, Charles V. Cogbill, Sydne Record, Christopher J. Paciorek, Stephen T. Jackson, Michael C. Dietze, Andria Dawson, Jaclyn Hatala Matthes, Jason S. McLachlan, and John W. William
Graduate students navigating social-ecological research: insights from the Long-Term Ecological Research Network, Sydne Record, Paige Ferguson, Elise Benveniste, Rose Graves, Vera Pfeiffer, Michele Romolini, Christie Yorke, and Ben Beardmore
Seedling survival responses to conspecific density, soil nutrients, and irradiance vary with age in a tropical forest, Sydne Record, Richard K. Kobe, Corine F. Vriesendorp, and Andrew O. Finley
Submissions from 2015
Speeding up ecological and evolutionary computations in R; essentials of high performance computing for biologists, Marco D. Visser, Sean M. McMahon, Cory Merow, Philip M. Dixon, Sydne Record, and Eelke Jongejans
Submissions from 2014
Belowground advantages in construction cost facilitate a cryptic plant invasion, Joshua Caplan
RNA-Seq Analysis Reveals a Six-Gene SoxR Regulon in Streptomyces coelicolor, Nawar Naseer, Joshua A. Shapiro, and Monica Chander
Livestock as a potential biological control agent for an invasive wetland plant, Brian R. Silliman, Thomas J. Mozdzer, Christine Angelini, Jennifer E. Brundage, Peter Esselink, Jan P. Bakker, Keryn B. Gedan, Johan van de Koppel, and Andrew H. Baldwin
Submissions from 2013
The Pea Aphid Uses a Version of the Terminal System during Oviparous, but not Viviparous, Development, Ryan D. Bickel, Hillary C. Cleveland, Joanna Barkas, Caitlin C. Jeschke, Amelie A. Raz, David L. Stern, and Gregory K. Davis
Descendant root volume varies as a function of root type: estimation of root biomass lost during uprooting in Pinus pinaster, Joshua Caplan
Getting to Evo-Devo: Concepts and Challenges for Students Learning Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Anna Hiatt, Gregory K. Davis, Caleb Trujillo, Mark Terry, Donald P. French, Rebecca M. Price, and Kathryn E. Perez
Tidal Marsh Plant Responses to Elevated CO2, Nitrogen Fertilization, and Sea Level Rise, J. Adam Langley, Thomas J. Mozdzer, Katherine A. Shepard, Shannon B. Hagerty, and J. Patrick Megonigal
Physiological ecology and functional traits of North American native and Eurasian introduced Phragmites australis lineages, Thomas J. Mozdzer, Jacques Brisson, and Eric L. G. Hazelton
The EvoDevoCI: A Concept Inventory for Gauging Students’ Understanding of Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Kathryn E. Perez, Anna Hiatt, Gregory K. Davis, Caleb Trujillo, Donald P. French, Terry Mark, and Rebecca M. Price
Projecting global mangrove species and community distributions under climate change, Sydne Record, N. D. Charney, R. M. Zakaria, and Aaron M. Ellison
Response of macroarthropod assemblages to the loss of hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), a foundation species, Tara E. Sackett, Sydne Record, Sharon Bewick, Benjamin Baiser, Nathan J. Sanders, and Aaron M. Ellison
Submissions from 2012
Jack-and-Master Trait Responses to Elevated CO(2) and N: A Comparison of Native and Introduced Phragmites australis, Thomas J. Mozdzer and J. Patrick Megonigal
Submissions from 2011
Education Is Life Itself: Biological Evolution as a Model for Human Learning, Paul Grobstein and Alice Lesnick
Isopods Failed to Acclimate Their Thermal Sensitivity of Locomotor Performance During Predictable or Stochastic Cooling, Matthew S. Schuler, Brandon S. Cooper, Jonathan J. Storm, Michael W. Sears, and Michael J. Angilletta Jr
Submissions from 2010
Evolution & Phylogenetic Analysis: Classroom Activities for Investigating Molecular & Morphological Concepts, Wilfred A. Franklin
Genome Sequence of the Pea Aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum, International Aphid Genomics Consortium and Gregory K. Davis
A world of opportunists, the parasitic plants (Book review), Sydne Record
Submissions from 2008
Investigating Effects of Invasive Species on Plant Community Structure, Wilfred A. Franklin
Submissions from 2000
Linear and Nonlinear Measures Predict Swimming in the Leech, C. J. Cellucci, Peter Brodfuehrer, H. Acera-Pozzi, E. Dobrovolny, J. Engler, R. Los, R. Thompson, and Alfonso M. Albano
Submissions from 1986
Plasticity of Expression of a Synaptic Vesicle Antigen in Adult Rat Superior Cervical Ganglion, Karen F. Greif