Submissions from 2024
Parental Resilience in Contexts of Political Violence: A Systematic Scoping Review of 45 Years of Research, Cindy Sousa, Bree Akesson, and Manahil Siddiqi
Submissions from 2023
The Vernacular Ethics of Stigmatized Care: Reinterpreting Acceptance and Confidentiality for Social Work in the West Bank, Palestine, David S. Byers, Anan Fareed, and Khalid Hreish
Social Identity as a Factor in Bystander Responses to Bias-Based Verbal Aggression Among College Students, Shveta Kumaria, David S. Byers, Katherine M. McCarthy, and Carmen Moedano
Acculturation and suicide-related risk in ethnoracially minoritized youth in the US: a scoping review and content analysis of the empirical evidence, Lillian Polanco-Roman, Chantel T. Ebrahimi, Katherine S. W. Mafnas, Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, Alan Meca, Silvia L. Mazzula, Cristiane S. Duarte, and Roberto Lewis-Fernández
Teaching Place for Social Work Practice, Cindy A. Sousa, Susan P. Kemp, and Bree Akesson
Life becomes about survival': Resettlement, integration, and social services among refugee parents, Cindy Sousa, A. Stein, Janet Shapiro, G. Shanfeld, K. Cristaudo, M. Siddiqi, M. Hatfield, and H. Reddy
"No safe place": Applying the transactional stress and coping model to active warfare, Cindy Sousa and Guido Veronese
Submissions from 2022
System Dynamics of Cognitive Vulnerabilities and Family Support Among Latina Children and Adolescents, Peter S. Hovmand, Esther J. Calzada, Lauren E. Gulbas, Su Yeong Kim, Saras Chung, Jill Kuhlberg, Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, and Luis H. Zayas
Conventional and expanded adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and maternal functioning among low-income Black mothers, Kerry Lee, Brenda Jones Harden, Mishaska Jaramillo, Taylor A. Norman, and Laura Jimenez Parra
Mental health and behavioral outcomes among Jamaican women: The role of childhood abuse and witnessing parental violence, Kerry Lee, Sharon Rose Priestley, and Kevin K. Hylton
The Campbell Collaboration’s systematic review of school-based anti-bullying interventions does not meet mandatory methodological standards, Julia H. Littell and Dennis M. Gorman
What do we know after decades of research about parenting and IPV? A systematic scoping review integrating findings, Cindy Sousa, Manahil Siddiqi, and Briana Bogue
The Negative Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on Behavioral Problems of Children in Kinship Care: The Protective Role of Kinship Caregivers' Mental Health, Yanfeng Xu, Merav Jedwab, Kerry Lee, and Sue E. Levkoff
Submissions from 2021
"Making It Work": Accommodation and Resistance to Federal Policy in a Homelessness Continuum of Care, Jennifer M. Frank and Jim Baumohl
An Exploratory Study of the Prosecution of Fatal Child Maltreatment: Criminal Charges Filed Against Presumed Perpetrators in the United States in 2017, Kerry Lee and Emily M. Douglas
Validation of the Substance Abuse Scale of the Personal and Relationships Profile, Kerry Lee, R Anna Hayward, and Paul Sacco
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), excessive alcohol use and intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration among Black men: A latent class analysis, Kerry Lee, Paul Sacco, and Charlotte Lyn Bright
Human (in)security and psychological well-being in Palestinian children living amidst military violence: A qualitative participatory research using interactive maps, Guido Veronese, Frederica Cavazzoni, Alec Fiorini, Hala Shoman, and Cindy A. Sousa
Submissions from 2020
"Most importantly, I hope God keeps illness away from us": The context and challenges surrounding access to health care for Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Cindy A. Sousa, Bree Akesson, and Dena Badawi
"The utmost strength I can bear": Strategies and psychological costs of mothering within political violence, Cindy A. Sousa, Mona el-Zuhairi, and Manahil Siddiqi
Submissions from 2019
Clinical Practice with Children and Adolescents Involved in Bullying and Cyberbullying: Gleaning Guidelines from the Literature, David S. Byers, Faye Mishna, and Carolyn Solo
Renewing the Ethics of Care for Social Work under the Trump Administration, David S. Byers and Janet R. Shapiro
Submissions from 2018
Direct and Indirect Effects of Child Abuse and Environmental Stress: A Lifecourse Perspective on Adversity and Depressive Symptoms, Cindy A. Sousa, W. Alex Mason, Todd I. Herrenkohl, Dana Prince, Roy C. Herrenkohl, and M. Jean Russo
Submissions from 2017
Reconsidering Self Care, Sara Bressi and Elizabeth R. Vaden
Treatment narratives of suicidal Latina teens, Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, Lauren Gulbas, and Luis H. Zayas
Submissions from 2016
A Measure of Comprehensive Airman Fitness: Construct Validation and Invariance Across Air Force Service Components, Gary L. Bowen, Todd M. Jensen, and James A. Martin
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of a Measure of Comprehensive Airman Fitness, Gary L. Bowen, Todd M. Jensen, and James A. Martin
The Willingness of Military Members to Seek Help: The Role of Social Involvement and Social Responsibility, Gary L. Bowen, Todd M. Jensen, James A. Martin, and Jay A. Mancini
Acculturation and Its Discontents: A Case for Bringing Anthropology Back into the Conversation, Peter J. Guarnaccia and Carolina Hausmann-Stabile
Examining the impact of comorbid serious mental illness on rehospitalization among medical and surgical inpatients, Nancy P. Hanrahan, Sara Bressi, Steven C. Marcus, and Phyllis Solomon
Syndemic factors associated with adult sexual HIV risk behaviors in a sample of Latino men who have sex with men in New York City, Omar Martinez, Sonya Arreola, Elwin Wu, Miguel Muñoz-Laboy, Ethan Czuy Levine, Scott Edward Rutledge, Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, Larry Icard, Scott D. Rhodes, Alex Carballo-Diéguez, Carlos E. Rodríguez-Díaz, M. Isabel Fernandez, and Theo Sandfort
The end of the wormwars?, David Tovey, Julia H. Littell, and Jeremy M. Grimshaw
Submissions from 2015
An Exploratory Study of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury and Suicidal Behaviors in Adolescent Latinas, Lauren E. Gulbas, Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, Susan M. De Luca, Tee R. Tyler, and Luis H. Zayas
Clinical encounters with immigrants: What matters for U.S. psychiatrists., Carolina Hausmann-Stabile and Peter J. Guarnaccia
Growing up in the inner city: Exploring the adolescent development and acculturation of urban suicidal Latinas., Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, Lauren Gulbas, and Luis H. Zayas
Submissions from 2014
Global Health, Toba Schwaber Kerson and Jessica Euna Lee
Coping with Publication and Reporting Biases in Research Reviews, Julia H. Littell and David L. Albright
Review of Systematic Review Methods: The Science of Research Synthesis, Julia H. Littell and Brandy R. Maynard
The Science of Research Synthesis: Limiting Bias and Error in Reviews, Julia H. Littell and Brandy R. Maynard
Submissions from 2013
The Therapeutic Alliance and Psychotherapy Outcomes for Young Adults Aged 18 to 34: Protocol for a Systematic Review, Stacy J. Green, Julia H. Littell, Karianne T. Hammerstrøm, and Emily Tanner-Smith
Aspirations of Latina adolescent suicide attempters, Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, Lauren Gulbas, and Luis H. Zayas
In Response to Need: An Analysis of Social Work Roles Over Time, Toba Schwaber Kerson and Judith McCoyd
The Science and Practice of Research Synthesis, Julia H. Littell
Mental health clinicians’ experiences of implementing evidence-based treatments., Byron J. Powell, Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, and J. Curtis McMillen
Review of They Say Cut Back, We Say Fight Back! Welfare Activism in an Era of Retrenchment, by Ellen Reese, Sanford F. Schram
Political Violence, Collective Functioning and Health: A review of the literature, Cindy A. Sousa
Individual and Collective Dimensions of Resilience within Political Violence, Cindy A. Sousa, Muhammad M. Haj-Yahia, Guy Feldman, and Jessica Lee
Submissions from 2012
Means, Intent, Lethality, Behaviors, and Psychiatric Diagnosis in Latina Adolescent Suicide Attempters, Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, Jill A. Kuhlberg, Luis H. Zayas, Allyson P. Nolle, and Stephanie L. Cintron
Epilepsy Postings on You Tube: Exercising Individuals’ and Organizations’ Right to Appear, Lawrence A. Kerson and Toba Schwaber Kerson
Psychosocial Interventions for Adults Who Were Sexually Abused as Children (Protocol for a Cochrane Review), Jessica Shaffner Wilen, Julia H. Littell, and Georgia Salanti
Submissions from 2011
Race and the Local Politics of Punishment in the New World of Welfare, Richard C. Fording, Joe Soss, and Sanford F. Schram
Family relationships and Latina teen suicide attempts: Reciprocity, asymmetry, and detachment, Lauren E. Gulbas, Luis H. Zayas, Allyson P. Nolle, Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, Jill A. Kuhlberg, Ana A. Baumann, and Juan B. Peña
Challenges and solutions for Latin American-trained international medical graduates in psychiatry residency, Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, Luis H. Zayas, David Hauser, Carlos Carvajal, Carlina Mejia, and Delia Nieves
Ganando Confianza: Research Focus Groups with Immigrant Mexican Mothers, Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, Luis H. Zayas, Sandra Runes, Anna Abenis-Cintron, and Esther Calzada
Making Sense of Meta-Analysis: A Critique of "Effectiveness of Long-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy", Julia H. Littell and Aron Shlonsky
Familism and family environment among suicidal Latinas: Three family types, Juan B. Peña, Jill A. Kuhlberg, Luis H. Zayas, Ana A. Baumann, Lauren Gulbas, Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, and Allyson P. Nolle
Review of Theories of Social Capital: Researchers Behaving Badly, by Ben Fine, Sanford F. Schram
Conflict, health care and professional perseverance: a qualitative study in the West Bank, Cindy A. Sousa and Amy Hagopian
Misbehaviors of Front-Line Research Personnel and the Integrity of Community-Based Research, Gala true, Leslie B. Alexander, and Kenneth A. Richman
Can Better Mother-Daughter Relations Reduce the Chance of a Suicide Attempt among Latinas?, Luis H. Zayas, Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, and Jill Kuhlberg
Submissions from 2010
Do Haphazard Reviews Provide Sound Directions for Dissemination Efforts?, Eileen Gambrill and Julia H. Littell
Toward Evidence-Informed Policy and Practice in Child Welfare, Julia H. Littell and Aron Shlonsky
Review of Punishing the Poor: The Neoliberal Government of Social Insecurity, by Loïc Wacquant, Sanford F. Schram
Submissions from 2009
Study Quality Assessment in Systematic Reviews of Research on Intervention Effects, Kathleen Wells and Julia H. Littell
Recruiting urban Latina adolescents and their families: Challenges and lessons learned in suicide attempts research, Luis H. Zayas, Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, and Allyson M. Pilat
Submissions from 2008
Evidence-based or Biased? The Quality of Published Reviews of Evidence-based Practices, Julia H. Littell
Review of The Battle for Welfare Rights: Politics and Poverty in Modern America, by Felicia Kornbluh, Sanford F. Schram
Submissions from 2007
Devolution, Discretion, and the Effect of Local Political Values on TANF Sanctioning, Richard C. Fording, Joe Soss, and Sanford F. Schram
Functional Family Therapy for Families of Youth (Age 11-18) With Behaviour Problems: Protocol for a Cochrane Review, Julia H. Littell, Arild Bjørndal, Aina Winsvold, and Karianne Hammerstrøm
Review of Culture Troubles: Politics and the Interpretation of Meaning, by Patrick Chabal and Jean-Pascal Daloz, Sanford F. Schram
Submissions from 2006
Review of The Poorhouse: America's Forgotten Institution, by David Wagner, Jim Baumohl
Review of Systematic Reviews in the Social Sciences, by Mark Petticrew and Helen Roberts, Julia H. Littell
The Case for Multisystemic Therapy: Evidence or Orthodoxy?, Julia H. Littell
Correlates of Problem Recognition and Intentions to Change among Caregivers of Abused and Neglected Children, Julia H. Littell and Heather Girvin
Review of Backlash against Welfare Mothers: Past and Present, by Ellen Reese, Sanford F. Schram
Submissions from 2005
Caregivers' Readiness for Change: Predictive Validity in a Child Welfare Sample, Julia H. Littell and Heather Girvin
Multisystemic Therapy for Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Problems in Youth Aged 10-17 (Cochrane Review), Julia H. Littell, Melania Popa, and Burnee Forsythe
Childhood and Adolescent Neighborhood Effects on Adult Income: Using Siblings to Examine Differences in Ordinary Least Squares and Fixed-Effect Models, Thomas P. Vartanian and P. W. Buck
Submissions from 2004
Review of Welfare: A Documentary History of U.S. Policy and Politics, edited by Gwendolyn Mink and Rickie Solinger, Sanford F. Schram
Termination of Supplemental Security Income Benefits for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism: Results of a Longitudinal Study of the Effects on Former Beneficiaries, James A. Swartz, Jim Baumohl, and Arthur J. Lurigio
Submissions from 2003
Substance Abuse and Welfare Policy at the New Century, Jim Baumohl, Richard Speiglman, James A. Swartz, and Roland Stahl
Review of Social Work Practice: Toward a Child, Family, School, Community Perspective, by Edith M. Freeman and Marianne Pennekamp, Cynthia D. Bisman
The Bottom Line: Employment and Barriers to Work among Former SSI DA&A Beneficiaries, Kevin Campbell, Jim Baumohl, and Sharon R. Hunt
Drink, Drugs and Disability: An Introduction to the Controversy, Sharon R. Hunt and Jim Baumohl
Now Invited to Testify: Former Beneficiaries Appraise the SSI Drug Addiction and Alcoholism Program, Sharon R. Hunt and Jim Baumohl
Illusions of Change: Rethinking the Current Welfare Retrenchment, Sanford F. Schram
Review of State Work: Public Administration and Mass Intellectuality, by Stefano Harney, Sanford F. Schram
Decisions to Appeal, Decisions to Approve: Requalification for SSI by Former DA&A Beneficiaries, Richard Scott and Jim Baumohl
Drug Treatment Participation and Retention Rates among Former Recipients of Supplemental Security Income for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism, James A. Swartz, Kevin Campbell, Jim Baumohl, and Peggy Tonkin
The Methodology of the Multi-site Study of the Termination of Supplemental Security Income Benefits for Drug Addicts and Alcoholics, James A. Swartz, Peggy Tonkin, and Jim Baumohl
Submissions from 2002
Neglected Issues in Research on In-Home Services in Child Welfare: Final Report, Julia H. Littell, Leslie B. Alexander, Heather Girvin, and William W. Reynolds
Submissions from 2001
Client Participation: Central and Underinvestigated Elements of Intervention, Julia H. Littell, Leslie B. Alexander, and William W. Reynolds
Review of What Government Can Do: Dealing with Poverty and Inequality, by Benjamin I. Page and James R. Simmons, Sanford F. Schram
Submissions from 2000
Maintaining Orthodoxy: The Depression-Era Struggle over Morphine Maintenance in California, Jim Baumohl
Review of "Some Days Are Harder Than Hard": Welfare Reform and Women with Drug Convictions in Pennsylvania, by Amy E. Hirsch, Jim Baumohl and Sanford F. Schram
A Multilevel Model of Client Participation in Intensive Family Preservation Services, Julia H. Littell and E. A. Tajima
Review of Why Americans Hate Welfare: Race, Media, and the Politics of Antipoverty Policy, by Martin Gilens, Sanford F. Schram
Submissions from 1999
Social Work Assessment: Case Theory Construction, Cynthia D. Bisman
Review of Family Preservation and Family Functioning, by Jacquelyn McCroskey and William Meezan, Julia H. Littell