Degree Date



Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Social Work and Social Research


Adult literacy is one of the most effective ways to increase access and reduce disparities in education that have disproportionately affected generations of uneducated and undereducated women. Ghana is a leader in providing literacy programs, but evidence is lacking regarding the involvement of women in program design, implementation and evaluation. The Human Development paradigm argues that the active engagement of women in policy and program development is the only way to encourage voluntary participation, ensure meaningfulness in their lives and promote sustained involvement. This single, descriptive case study explored the adult literacy program at the University of Ghana and heard directly from women about their engagement in the program, motivation for returning to school, perceptions of the benefits of adult literacy and recommendations for expanding adult literacy for women. Data were collected through interviews with 15 program participants and 3 staff, observation of 3 literacy classes, and field notes.


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