Full Spectrum Learning: Elevating Learning Through Diverse Educational Experiences

Streaming Media

Submission Type

20-minute Presentation


Through its framework, Full Spectrum Learning creates a vocabulary for the examination of a broad range of learning environments and encourages us to share stories about transformative teaching and learning experiences.

Start Date

7-20-2020 10:20 AM

End Date

7-20-2020 10:30 AM


Full Spectrum Learning (FSL) is St. Norbert College’s endeavor to embrace and encourage diverse teaching and learning practices that elevate student learning. Because we at St. Norbert aspire to cultivate a love of lifelong learning in students, inspired by excellent teaching, it is of vital importance that we come together in the community to explore the ever-changing breadth of teaching and learning modalities.

The goal of our workshop is to allow educators to reflect on their teaching experiences and provide a framework that touches on the varying roles that student engagement and technology play in the classroom. This workshop would highlight each intersection of the framework, what some intersections may look like (based on a St. Norbert College professor explanation and student reaction), and the importance of the framework. The benefits of attending our workshop include an environment in which educators can share student engagement and technology usage strategies, develop an understanding that students have learning preferences that greatly impact their learning, and learning to adapt the classroom to the ever-changing world of technology and communication. Not only is this workshop beneficial for educators, but students are also encouraged to attend. Students will learn how to advocate for diverse learning experiences and will be able to identify the benefits of a variety of educational experiences. It is important to note that as student research fellows, we have had a unique and impactful experience advancing the Full Spectrum Learning Initiative on our campus. We aim to highlight that meaningful learning can range from classroom-based lectures to completely online collaborative learning experiences and that students should experience all varieties of teaching in higher education. As student research fellows, we are excited to share how impactful elevated learning can be.


Attached is the Full Spectrum Learning website:


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Jul 20th, 10:20 AM Jul 20th, 10:30 AM

Full Spectrum Learning: Elevating Learning Through Diverse Educational Experiences

Through its framework, Full Spectrum Learning creates a vocabulary for the examination of a broad range of learning environments and encourages us to share stories about transformative teaching and learning experiences.