Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College - Blended Learning in the Liberal Arts Conference: Co-Creating a First-Year Seminar: Letting A Student Lead the Way

Co-Creating a First-Year Seminar: Letting A Student Lead the Way

Streaming Media

Submission Type

20-minute Presentation


While students as partners (SAP) subject-based research has flourished for decades, we decided to tackle a (SAP) curriculum design partnership. In our project, we worked together to create a new first-year seminar that was then offered for the first time to incoming first-year students in the Fall of 2018 called “Star Wars: The Good, The Bad, and The Sociology.” We partnered together on choosing readings, selecting videos, developing assignments and exams, and creating games for the class. Lastly, we designed a variety of assessment mechanisms for measuring the success of our collaboration.

Start Date

5-23-2019 1:30 PM

End Date

5-23-2019 2:45 PM


Our 20 minute presentation will discuss how this partnership developed, how we created the class, our own personal reflections on the SAP pedagogy, and findings from our assessments about how students who took the class felt about our collaboration.

The SAP pedagogy is a unique example of blending learning for the faculty member, their student partner, as well as the students enrolled in the co-created course.

Our hope for session participants is that they will find a use for SAP , specifically in curriculum development, at their institution. Much of the existing literature is focused on large departmental or institutional SAP programs. We want to help individual faculty find successful paths to these partnerships on a much smaller scale until they can get more institutional buy in.

Our interaction plan would include an overview of our project with time for Q&A at the end.

SAP Blended Learning.pptx (3310 kB)
Presentation Slides

This document is currently not available here.


May 23rd, 1:30 PM May 23rd, 2:45 PM

Co-Creating a First-Year Seminar: Letting A Student Lead the Way

While students as partners (SAP) subject-based research has flourished for decades, we decided to tackle a (SAP) curriculum design partnership. In our project, we worked together to create a new first-year seminar that was then offered for the first time to incoming first-year students in the Fall of 2018 called “Star Wars: The Good, The Bad, and The Sociology.” We partnered together on choosing readings, selecting videos, developing assignments and exams, and creating games for the class. Lastly, we designed a variety of assessment mechanisms for measuring the success of our collaboration.