Sociology Faculty Research and Scholarship | Sociology | Bryn Mawr College


Submissions from 2025


Review of Call the Mothers: Searching for Mexico’s Disappeared in the War on Drugs, by Shaylih Muehlmann, Veronica Montes

Submissions from 2023


Review of 'Elizabeth Korver-Glenn, Race Brokers: Housing Markets and Segregation in 21st Century Urban America', Nora E. Taplin-Kaguru

Submissions from 2021


Review of Amplified Advantage: Going to a "Good" College in an Era of Inequality By Allison L. Hurst., David Karen

Submissions from 2020


Reproduction and opportunity: A study of dual career, aspirations and elite sports in Danish SportsClasses, Lotte Stausgaard Skrubbeltrang, David Karen, Jens Christian Nielsen, and Jesper Stilling Olesen


(Review) Unbound: Transgender Men and the Remaking of Identity, Piper Sledge

Submissions from 2019


Sport and Modernity (Review), David Karen


Deportability and manifestations of suffering of immigrants and their families / Deportabilidad y manifestaciones del sufrimiento de los inmigrantes y sus familias, Verónica Montes


Ethics of care, emotional work, and collective action of solidarity: the Patronas in Mexico, Verónica Montes and María Dolores Paris Pombo


From decision to incision: Ideologies of gender in surgical cancer care, Piper Sledge

Submissions from 2018


SWS Distinguished Feminist Lecture: Feminist Politcal Economy in a Globalized World: African Women Migrants in South Africa and the United States, Mary J. Osirim


Mobile but Stuck: Multigenerational Neighborhood Decline and Housing Search Strategies for African Americans, Nora E. Taplin-Kaguru

Submissions from 2017


Psychological adjustment after breast cancer: a systematic review of longitudinal studies, Tânia Brandão, Marc S. Schulz, and Paula Mena Matos


The legitimacy of elite gatekeeping, David Karen


Styling Masculinity: Gender, Class, and Inequality in the Men's Grooming Industry, Piper Sledge

Submissions from 2016


Review of Indian Spectacle: College Mascots and the Anxiety of Modern America, by Jennifer Guiliano., David Karen

Submissions from 2015


Review of Symbolic Power, Politics, and Intellectuals: The Political Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu, by David L. Swartz, David Karen


Sport, Peace, and Development: Constraints and Possibilities (Review of Brian Wilson, Sport and Peace: A Sociological Perspective, Ontario, Canada: Oxford University Press, 2012. Simon Darnell, Sport for Development and Peace: A Critical Sociology, London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2012.), David Karen

Submissions from 2010


Producing Textbook Sociology, Jeff Manza, Michael Sauder, and Nathan Wright

Submissions from 2008


Researching African Women and Gender Studies: New Social Science Perspectives, Akosua Adomako Ampofo, Josephine Beoku-Betts, and Mary J. Osirim


African Women in the New Diaspora: Transnationalism and the (Re) Creation of Home, Mary J. Osirim

Submissions from 2005


Review of Hoodlums: Black Villains and Social Bandits in American Life, by William L. Van Deburg, Robert Washington

Submissions from 2004


Women's and Gender Studies in English-Speaking Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review of Research in the Social Sciences, Akosua Adomako Ampofo, Josephine Beoku-Betts, Wairimu Ngaruiya Njambi, and Mary J. Osirim


Cowbirds, Locals, and the Dynamic Endurance of Regionalism, Wendy Griswold and Nathan Wright

Submissions from 2002


Review of Cultural Trauma: Slavery and the Formation of African American Identity, by Ron Eyerman, Robert Washington

Submissions from 2001


Sport and Society, Robert Washington and David Karen

Submissions from 1991


The Politics of Class, Race, and Gender: Access to Higher Education in the United States, 1960-1986, David Karen

Submissions from 1986


Review of Preparing for Power: America's Elite Boarding Schools, by Peter W. Cookson, Jr., and Caroline Hodges Persell, David Karen