"Probing exchange bias at the surface of a doped ferrimagnetic insulato" by Yang Wang, Xiao Wang et al.

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Final Published Version

Publication Title

Physical Review Materials



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With the realization of stress-induced perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, efficient spin-orbit torque switching, and room temperature topological Hall effect, interest in rare earth iron garnets has been revived in recent years for their potential in spintronic applications. In this study, we investigate the magnetic properties of micrometer-thick Bi and Ga substituted thulium iron garnets (BiGa:TmIG) grown by the liquid-phase epitaxy method. Above the magnetization compensation (MC) temperature, anomalous triple hysteresis is observed in BiGa:TmIG/Pt heterostructures by anomalous Hall effect measurements. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism and energy dispersive spectroscopy measurements reveal its origin as an internal exchange bias (EB) effect arising from inhomogeneities localized at the surface of the film. Possibly depending on the difference in thickness and defect realization of the EB layer, two types of magnetization reversal mechanisms, namely, the Stoner-Wohlfarth type and the reversible domain-wall motion type, are observed. Our results show that rich meta-magnetic phases exist in garnets close to MC, which can be robustly tuned by chemical composition engineering and conveniently probed by electrical transport measurements. With the realization of stress-induced perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, efficient spin-orbit torque switching, and room temperature topological Hall effect, interest in rare earth iron garnets has been revived in recent years for their potential in spintronic applications. In this study, we investigate the magnetic properties of micrometer-thick Bi and Ga substituted thulium iron garnets (BiGa:TmIG) grown by the liquid-phase epitaxy method. Above the magnetization compensation (MC) temperature, anomalous triple hysteresis is observed in BiGa:TmIG/Pt heterostructures by anomalous Hall effect measurements. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism and energy dispersive spectroscopy measurements reveal its origin as an internal exchange bias (EB) effect arising from inhomogeneities localized at the surface of the film. Possibly depending on the difference in thickness and defect realization of the EB layer, two types of magnetization reversal mechanisms, namely, the Stoner-Wohlfarth type and the reversible domain-wall motion type, are observed. Our results show that rich meta-magnetic phases exist in garnets close to MC, which can be robustly tuned by chemical composition engineering and conveniently probed by electrical transport measurements.



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