Graduate School of Arts and Sciences | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Students | Bryn Mawr College
Publications by graduate students in the Bryn Mawr College Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.


Submissions from 2024


Review of 'Saint Augustin et l’écriture Polyphonique: Citations Classiques et Genèse de La Pensée Dans La Cité de Dieu', by Agnès Vareille, Dalton Sala and Catherine Conybeare


Go with the Flow: The Psychology and Ethics of Atomic Motion in Lucretius, Sophia Ophelia Tobár

Submissions from 2021


YYY Dynamic Tuning of Viscoelastic Hydrogels with Carbonyl Iron Microparticles Reveals the Rapid Response of Cells to Three-Dimensional Substrate Mechanics, Kiet A. Tran, Emile Kraus, Andy T. Clark, Alex Bennet, Katarzyna Pogoda, Xuemei Cheng, Andrejs Cēbers, Paul A. Janmey, and Peter A. Galie

Submissions from 2018


“Arrows Fletched From Our Own Wings”: The Early Church Fathers and the “Delphi of the Mind”, Daniel J. Crosby

Submissions from 2017


The Tyranny of Authority: Eternal Damnation in the Fragments of Clement of Alexandria?, Daniel J. Crosby

Submissions from 2016


Observations of the high vibrational levels of the B′′B̄ 1Σ+u state of H2, A. M. Chartrand, W. Duan, R. C. Ekey, and Elizabeth McCormack


The Case for Another Son of P. Quinctilius Varus: a Re-examination of the Textual and Scholarly Traditions Around Joseph. BJ 2.68 and AJ 17.288, Daniel J. Crosby

Submissions from 2015


Engaging with Digital Humanities: Becoming Productive Scholars of the Humanities in a Digital Age, Daniel J. Crosby


Imaging the dipole-dipole energy exchange between ultracold rubidium Rydberg atoms, Donald Fahey, Thomas J. Carroll, and Michael W. Noel


Quantum interference in the field ionization of Rydberg atoms, Rachel Feynman, Jacob Hollingsworth, Michael Vennettilli, Tamas Budner, Ryan Zmiewski, Donald Fahey, Thomas J. Carroll, and Michael W. Noel

Submissions from 2013


Harpists, Flute-players, and the Early Musical Contests at Delphi, Daniel J. Crosby


Double resonance spectroscopy of the D1Πu+ and B''B-bar 1Σu+ states near the third dissociation threshold of H2, R. C. Ekey, A. E. Cordova, W. Duan, Alexander M. Chartrand, and Elizabeth McCormack

Submissions from 2011


Dipole-Dipole Interaction between Rubidium Rydberg Atoms, Emily Altiere, Donald Fahey, Michael Noel, Rachel J. Smith, and Thomas J. Carroll


Excitation of Rydberg States in Rubidium with Near Infrared Diode Lasers, Donald Fahey and Michael Noel