"Direct Links: Using E-mail to Connect Preservice Teachers, Experienced" by Alison Cook-Sather

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Publication Title

Journal of Technology and Teacher Education



Publication Date



Much of preservice teacher education at the undergraduate level is based on indirect links between those preparing to teach and those who spend their days in schools. This article describes two kinds of direct links based in the culminating courses required for state certification to teach at the secondary level through an undergraduate teacher education program: one between preservice teachers and experienced teachers and one between preservice teachers and high school students. Consisting primarily of weekly e-mail exchanges, these dialogues constitute a unique forum for learning and teaching for all participants. The benefits participants identify-including the creation of a space that allows for immediate, frequent, individualized communication, careful analysis and reflection, and insights into others' perspectives-as well as the drawbacks-including time constraints, access problems, and the limits of e-mail as a medium-offer new angles on perennial challenges in teacher preparation and in education in general as well as raise new issues for teacher educators to consider.

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