These books and dissertations, mostly on the classical world, are from the Bryn Mawr College Library. Many or most come from the collection of the German philologist Hermann Sauppe (1809-1893), whose library was acquired by Bryn Mawr's second president, M. Carey Thomas, following his death. While the collection consists of many thousands of volumes, we have attempted to digitize only those books that have not already been made available online.
De Platonis arte dialectica
Gottlob Schultgen
"Jahresbericht über das Schuljahr 1828-1829, womit zu der öffentlichen Prüfung der Schülder des Gymnasiums am 8ten und 9ten September ergebenst einladet L. Bischoff, Prof. und Direktor des Gymnasiums"
De Platonis et Aristotelis in constituendis summis philosophiae principiis differentia: commentatio.
Christian Hermann Weisse
Prolusio animadversiones ad quaedam Platonis loca: qua examina in schola Nicolaitana praenuntiat
Theophilus Samuel Forbiger
De caussis instauratae saeculo XV in Italia philosophiae platonicae: commentatio historica
Ludwig Dankegott Cramer