Constructing Diversity: Ethnicity and Legal Culture in Chinese History | Conferences | Bryn Mawr College
Constructing Diversity: Ethnicity and Legal Culture in Chinese History

Constructing Diversity: Ethnicity and Legal Culture in Chinese History


Bryn Mawr College, April 4-5, 2014
All talks in Thomas 224
For more information, contact Yonglin Jiang,


William Alford  (Harvard University Law School)
Yanhong Wu (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China)
Yonglin Jiang  (Bryn Mawr College)

Special Guest Commentators:
Pamela Crossley (Dartmouth College)
Nicola Di Cosmo (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ)
Paul Smith (Haverford College)
Donald Sutton (Carnegie Mellon University)

Funded by the John Langlois Memorial Fund
At Bryn Mawr College: President’s Office, Provost’s Office, Departments of Anthropology, East Asian Studies, History, Philosophy, Sociology, Political Science, and International Studies Program
At Haverford College: Department of Sociology 

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