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As part of our Migrations and Borderlands 360° course cluster, we brought the travelling photography exhibition Del Golfo al Pacífico, which chronicles the evolution of the U.S.-Mexico border over the last three decades, to Bryn Mawr College. This exhibition was curated by El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF), a research institute in Tijuana, Mexico dedicated to studying the phenomenon of migration between the two countries. Our students used this exhibition as an analytical and artistic tool to prepare for our class trip to Tucson and Nogales, Arizona and to Tijuana. While in Mexico, we had the opportunity to do a photography workshop with Alfonso Caraveo Castro, a photographer at COLEF and one of the curators of Del Golfo al Pacífico. We asked students to select one of the photographs they took during our trip to the border and put it in dialogue with one of the COLEF photographs, narrating what they learned about migration from this experience. Collected herein are our students’ images, analyses, and meditations on the U.S.-Mexico border.

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With contributions by Sofía Juliana Chávez Crixell, Lilian Hawley Domenick, Melanie Giselle Esquilín Rodríguez, Delia Rose Landers, Leslie Patricia Luqueño, Jessica M. Nguyen, Tania Isabel Ortega Castillo, Kayla Patton, Vanessa Quiroz Morales, Leticia Abigail Robledo Trejo, Rebeca Salas Miranda, Jason Sanchez Espinoza, Azalia Sprecher Hidalgo, Sandra Torres Galicia, and Can (May) Zhu.

To the Border and Back: Visualizing and Narrating Migration
