"Work experience, coherence, and well - being: an examination of cohere" by Amy M. Paris

Degree Date



Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




This study examines links between coherence, attachment, and later work functioning in two parts, using a sample taken from a 40-year longitudinal study. The Adult Attachment Interview (AAI), questionnaires focused on participants’ work, and linguistic analysis of an interview about work were all used to explore links between measures of adult attachment, narrative coherence, and later adult functioning. In the first study, links were examined between AAI attachment and work outcomes to see if similar patterns could be found as in Hazan and Shaver’s 1990 study of love and work using self-report measures. The majority of hypotheses were not confirmed using the AAI. In the second study coherence scores from the AAI were examined with measures from the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) program of a later work-related interview. Links between linguistic variables were not found in study two.


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