"Lapithos: the Upper Geometric Cemetery" by Stella Diakou

Degree Date



Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology


This study focuses on Cypro-Geometric Lapithos, situated on the north coast of Cyprus. Its purpose is to study the excavations and unpublished material from the UpperGeometric cemetery, excavated in 1931-32, and to explore the topography of Early IronAge Lapithos and of the north coast. The investigation of the topography and of the cultural, social and economic landscape of the region takes on a broader perspective and looks at developments throughout the Bronze and Iron Age.

Part I reviews previous archaeological fieldwork at Lapithos as well as pottery studies in order to establish the context within which this study takes place. It also highlights the problems specific to the archaeology of Lapithos, such as inaccessibility to the region and serious issues of archaeological visibility, which this study discusses and attempts to overcome. Part II lays out the framework for the study of original excavation material and archival records. In addition, it discusses the construction of new maps of the region, with excavated and surveyed sites for the purpose of reconstructing the ancient topography of Lapithos. Part III is a detailed presentation of the tombs and finds from the Upper Geometric cemetery.

Part IV aims to put Lapithos and its cemeteries back into their regional and social context. Differences in mortuary variability within and between cemeteries (UpperGeometric, Lower Geometric, Kastros, Plakes, Ayia Anastasia) and changes through timespeak for a society, which uses the mortuary arena as a venue for prestige competition.The concluding discussion provides a diachronic perspective on the economic andiiipolitical environment of the north coast from the beginning of the Early Bronze Age tothe end of the 4th c. B.C.E. This study incorporates the archaeology of Lapithos into the context of prehistoric and proto-historic Cyprus by bringing together primary evidence, previous research and new sets of data in order to explore the role of Lapithosdiachronically and the rise of the Iron Age kingdom of Lapithos.