Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College - Plato and the Power of Images: Backgrounds to Plato’s Iconology

Panel Title

Backgrounds to Plato’s Iconology


Kardinaal Mercierzaal, Institute of Philosophy, Kardinaal Mercierplein 2, 3000 Leuven

Start Date

2-13-2014 4:30 PM

End Date

2-13-2014 5:30 PM


This paper will consider the sympotic game of eikones legein as a way into the many aspects of Plato’s use of images. Taking as a starting point Alcibiades’ praise of Socrates dia eikonôn in the Symposium (215a), I will explore the affiliations of this mode of speech with the archaic ainos and with instances of eikasia in Homer. Special attention will be paid to the fifth century and the rhetorical study of eikonologia (Phdr. 267b). Passages from the Presocratics, especially Democritus, on language and reference will suggest that Plato used eikones not only to explore metaphysical and epistemological issues but also what he called theologia as well.

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Feb 13th, 4:30 PM Feb 13th, 5:30 PM

Backgrounds to Plato’s Iconology

Kardinaal Mercierzaal, Institute of Philosophy, Kardinaal Mercierplein 2, 3000 Leuven

This paper will consider the sympotic game of eikones legein as a way into the many aspects of Plato’s use of images. Taking as a starting point Alcibiades’ praise of Socrates dia eikonôn in the Symposium (215a), I will explore the affiliations of this mode of speech with the archaic ainos and with instances of eikasia in Homer. Special attention will be paid to the fifth century and the rhetorical study of eikonologia (Phdr. 267b). Passages from the Presocratics, especially Democritus, on language and reference will suggest that Plato used eikones not only to explore metaphysical and epistemological issues but also what he called theologia as well.