Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College - Plato and the Power of Images: The Ship of State (Republic 488a-489d) in its contexts

Panel Title

The Ship of State (Republic 488a-489d) in its contexts


Kardinaal Mercierzaal, Institute of Philosophy, Kardinaal Mercierplein 2, 3000 Leuven

Start Date

2-13-2014 12:15 PM

End Date

2-13-2014 1:00 PM


I begin by explaining the plurality of contexts and the relationship between them: (i) the discussion of images in the Republic; (ii) the discussion of Callipolis; (iii) the analogy in other literature; (iv) the sequence of images in Books 6 and 7. I then focus on the immediate context, where Adeimantus criticises question-and-answer argument and Socrates suggests that the problem – explaining the contemporary attitude to philosophers – does not easily admit of proof. I consider what Socrates’ suggestion means and argue that it reflects the contrast between, on the one hand, the philosophers’ character and development, which can be established through dialectical argument, and, on the other hand, the mindset of those hostile to philosophers. I explore how the image addresses these difficulties and why Socrates draws attention to the complexity of the image. I then ask how we should characterize this context and argue that the most appropriate label is ‘Socratic’.

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Feb 13th, 12:15 PM Feb 13th, 1:00 PM

The Ship of State (Republic 488a-489d) in its contexts

Kardinaal Mercierzaal, Institute of Philosophy, Kardinaal Mercierplein 2, 3000 Leuven

I begin by explaining the plurality of contexts and the relationship between them: (i) the discussion of images in the Republic; (ii) the discussion of Callipolis; (iii) the analogy in other literature; (iv) the sequence of images in Books 6 and 7. I then focus on the immediate context, where Adeimantus criticises question-and-answer argument and Socrates suggests that the problem – explaining the contemporary attitude to philosophers – does not easily admit of proof. I consider what Socrates’ suggestion means and argue that it reflects the contrast between, on the one hand, the philosophers’ character and development, which can be established through dialectical argument, and, on the other hand, the mindset of those hostile to philosophers. I explore how the image addresses these difficulties and why Socrates draws attention to the complexity of the image. I then ask how we should characterize this context and argue that the most appropriate label is ‘Socratic’.