Speaker Biographies | Women's History in the Digital World | Conferences | Bryn Mawr College

Speaker Biographies

Stephanie Alarcón is a systems administrator for the University of Pennsylvania and an organizer at The Hacktory. In 2011, she completed a Master of Environmental Studies at Penn with a focus on the economic and environmental justice impacts of electronic waste. She works to make technology empowering rather than mysterious.

Bethany Anderson is Visiting Archival Operations and Reference Specialist in the University Archives at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Prior to Illinois, she was an Archives Assistant at the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at the University of Texas at Austin and an Information Resources Assistant at the William L. Clements Library at the University of Michigan. She has a master’s in Information Studies with a concentration in Archival Studies and Records Management from UT Austin, a master’s in Near Eastern Art and Archaeology from the University of Chicago, and a bachelor’s in Anthropology from the University of Michigan.

Dr. Lynne Anderson is professor of education at the University of Oregon and Director of the Sampler Archive Project, an NEH funded project awarded to the University of Delaware to create an online searchable database for information and images of all known American samplers and related girlhood embroideries (17th to 19th centuries). Dr. Anderson is an internationally recognized scholar in the field of educational technology, and an emerging scholar on historic schoolgirl needlework. Her most recent publication is Samplers International: A World of Needlework (2011). She is also editor of Columbia's Daughters: Girlhood Embroidery from the District of Columbia (2012).

Bridget Baird is a professor of Computer Science at Connecticut College. She is active in their Center for Arts and Technology and directed the Center for 10 years. Her research and teaching has always included strong inter-disciplinary components. In the past several years she has been involved in several projects in the digital humanities.

Jennifer Berdan is a doctoral student in the Higher Education and Organizational Change program at UCLA and is also earning a graduate certificate in Digital Humanities from UCLA's Center for Digital Humanities. She currently works as an analyst for the Cooperative Institutional Research Program at UCLA's Higher Education Research Institute and as a research assistant for multiple reports commissioned by the Women's College Coalition using student and faculty survey data. Her research focuses are on gender, faculty, technology and organizational change in higher education.

Cameron Blevins is a doctoral candidate in American History at Stanford University where he is a researcher at the Stanford Spatial History Project and Literary Lab. His dissertation maps the geography of the U.S. postal system in the American West during the late-nineteenth century. Cameron is an active member of the digital humanities community and can be found online at cameronblevins.org.

Zoe Borovsky, Ph.D., is the Librarian for Digital Research and Scholarship and leads the Research Commons located in UCLA’s Charles E. Young Research Library. She is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor with the Scandinavian Department at UCLA and an affiliated faculty member of the Digital Humanities program at UCLA.

Beverly W. Brannan is curator of documentary photography in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. She is co-curator of Women Come to the Front: Journalists, Photographers and Broadcasters During World War II (1995) and co-author of Re-viewing Documentary: The Photographic Life of Louise Rosskam 2011. Brannan's writing on the Farm Security Administration photographs includes: Documenting America (1988), and FSA: The American Vision (2006). She contributed to African American Mosaic: A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History and Culture (1993), Toni Frissell: Photographs 1935 to 1969 (1994) and Eyes of the Nation: A Visual History of the United States (1997). Her awards include: Judith Rothschild Foundation grant for an exhibition and catalog about the photographs of Louise Rosskam; James H. Billington Fellows award to record oral histories of female photojournalists. She is developing a website about female photojournalists in the Library's collections at http://www.loc.gov/rr/print/printcoll/womphotoj.

Kelsey Brannan is a 2nd year M.A. candidate in Georgetown University's Communication, Culture, and Technology (CCT) program specializing in documentary film. Using both archival and ethnographic research methods from the social science doctrine of Grounded Theory, she is producing Labor of Love, a multi-media thesis project about how LBTQ leaders foster and sustain community space in DC. Prior to Georgetown, she received a BA in Film and Media Studies from UC Santa Barbara and produced an award winning lesbian comedy, Over & Out (2011). In her spare time she is the volunteer Social Media Manager for Reel Affirmations Film Festival and writer for Tagg Magazine.

Erin N. Bush is a PhD student at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. She studies gender and law in American society and applied digital methods. Her research explores gender norms as conveyed and manipulated through various 19th and 20th century murder trials. Her other academic interests include cultural constructs of insanity and other diseases of women, and institutions of social control and confinement. She received a Bachelor of Arts in American history and journalism from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and graduated summa cum laude with a Master of Arts in history and new media from George Mason University.

María Agui Carter is a graduate of Harvard University, a former staff producer for WGBH Boston and has served as a Visiting Scholar at Harvard, Tulane and Brandeis Universities. Over a dozen of her works have aired on public and cable television, including "Cleats," a Spanish language dramatic short, and her WWII documentary feature "No Job For a Woman," narrated by Juliana Marguiles. Her historical documentary "Rebel" was the only film invited to preview at the 2012 White House Forum on Latino Heritage and will premiere as a national prime time special on PBS in 2013.

Dr. Wendy Chmielewski is the George R. Cooley Curator of the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. She has published several works on women in nineteenth and twentieth century social reform movements, including her latest publication (2009), a co-edited volume of scholarly essays: Jane Addams and the Practice of Democracy. In 2011-2012 she was the recipient of a TriCo Digital Humanities grant, on behalf of the Her Hat Was in the Ring project.

Dr. Jill Norgren, professor emerita of political science at John Jay College, and the Graduate Center, the City University of New York, is the author of numerous books and articles. She has published two biographies of Belva Lockwood. Her collective biography of 19th century women lawyers, Rebels at the Bar, will be published in February 2013. She is now writing about trail blazing women lawyers of the 20-21st centuries.

Dr. Kristen Gwinn-Becker, a visiting scholar with the history department at Northwestern University, is the author of Emily Greene Balch: The Long Road to Internationalism, and served as a graduate editorial fellow for The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers: The Human Rights Years, 1945–1948. She believes that utilizing technology to educate one another about history is of vital importance. Gwinn-Becker builds technological components, such as web sites and databases, to further this mission through her consulting agency HistoryIT.

Liza Cowan's career started in the 1970's as a radio producer at WBAI, later she published two Lesbian periodicals, DYKE and Cowrie. After working as a designer in an ad agency and running a chamber of commerce, Cowan earned and MPhil in Anthropology at The New School University and later ran an art gallery. She works as a photographer, designer, activist and blogger in Vermont in addition to curating the DYKE A Quarterly online annotated archive.

Jade E. Davis is a soon to be doctoral candidate in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill focusing in Media and Performance Studies. She holds an Master of Arts Degree from NYU's Institute of French Studies. Her research centers on the digitization and social media's effect on the photographic archive through an exploration of the black female body. The practicum portion of her project includes creating traditional and digital art pieces, as well as engagement through the social media site Tumblr.

Kayo Denda is the head of the Margery Somers Foster Center and women's studies librarian at Rutgers University Libraries.

Joanna DiPasquale is the Digital Projects Librarian for Vassar College Libraries, where she helps to implement a broad range of digital initiatives. She has over twelve years experience in the creation and implementation of digital libraries of varying subject matter and material type. Joanna holds degrees in history and mathematics, and received her MA from New York University and her MLIS from Rutgers University.

Amy Ensley is Director of the Hankey Center for the Education and Advancement of Women at Wilson College, where she is also the Coordinator of the Institute for Women in Science, Mathematics and Technology. Amy teaches a First Year Seminar on women's history and contemporary women's issues. She presents regularly on the history of women's education and the history of Wilson College, and she develops programs and outreach initiatives to encourage girls in math and science. Amy has a B.S. in Applied Statistics and Industrial Management from Carnegie Mellon University and an M.S. in Organizational Development and Leadership from Shippensburg University.

Georgia Guthrie is a Philadelphia-based designer and maker. In her work with The Action Mill, she uses design thinking to tackle big, intangible problems. As Director of The Hacktory, she creates opportunities for anyone to creatively tinker and learn about technology. She earned a Master of Industrial Design from University of the Arts in 2011.

Cathy Moran Hajo is Associate Editor and Assistant Director of the Margaret Sanger Papers Project. She has a Ph.D. from New York University and, in addition to editing the Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm Edition and The Selected Papers of Margaret Sanger, is the author of Birth Control on Main Street: Organizing Clinics in the United States, 1916-1939. She also teaches graduate courses in digital history for NYU and William Paterson University.

SeoKyung Han is a PhD candidate in Philosophy, Interpretation, and Culture at Binghamton University (SUNY), in the USA. Her dissertation explores the book culture of premodern Korea, especially the ramifications of the countrywide circulation of the political and religious authority-published didactic books primarily targeted the common people. Central to her research is the femininity that the (Neo-)Confucian and Buddhist didactic books of premodern Korea rendered in textual and pictorial languages, as well as the impact that the books had on differentiating, hierarchizing, and locating women's roles and social status specifically during the Chosŏn Korea (1392-1910).

Linda Hocking holds a B.A. in political science and history from Marist College and an M.S. in library and information science from the University of Illinois. She has been Curator of Library & Archival Collections at the LHS since November 2002. In 2005, the Society of American Archivists awarded the Colonial Dames Scholarship to the January session of the Modern Archives Institute to Hocking. In September of 2005, Hocking was admitted to the Academy of Certified Archivists. She serves on the Connecticut State Historical Records Advisory Board and as Newsletter Editor for the Academy of Certified Archivists.

Manman Huang is in her candidacy for a Master of Arts in History at the University of Macau. During her graduate studies, Ms. Huang served as a graduate assistant with the history department, and her scholarship interests include Sino-American trade and women's history. Her research focuses on the "China Trade" in the 19th century, especially the relation between Chinese silk exported to the United States and the important, yet neglected role that women have performed in the development of that trade. She has given presentations in conferences about the historical research in China trade and visualizing materials.

Janet M. Hurlbert has been the Director of Library Services at Lycoming College since 2001. During that time period, in addition to her main library responsibilities, she has overseen the development of the college archives and the digitization of core college source materials including college newspapers, yearbooks, course catalogs, alumni publications, and photographs, including streaming audio and video. Lycoming College's history as a co-educational institution means that these materials are especially valuable for research in women's history. Under her direction, the Snowden Library has been awarded numerous grants, including cooperative grants from the NEH for preservation and cultural programming. Janet received a B.A. in history and her M.L.S. from the University of Denver.

Jessica Jenkins is Curator of Collections at the Litchfield Historical Society. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in History from Quincy University, and obtained her Master of Arts in Public History from Central Connecticut State University. Outside of her role at the Litchfield Historical Society Ms. Jenkins is also involved with the greater heritage community in Connecticut and servers on the board of the Connecticut League of History Organizations. Her article Marching Shoulder to Shoulder: New Life in the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Movement was published last year in the journal Connecticut History.

Dr. Patricia Keller is Curator of Digital Collections for the Sampler Archive Project, funded by an NEH award to the University of Delaware to create a searchable online database of images and information concerning American needlework samplers and related girlhood embroideries (17th to 19th centuries.) Pat's research includes organizing community-based textile documentation projects and integrating the results with more traditional historical sources. Through digitally-aided analysis of approx. 3000 period household inventory records, Pat's dissertation (University of Delaware, 2007) examines the ethnically-varied trajectories of textile production and consumption activities among town and rural households of varying ethnicity and socio-economic standing in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (1725 - 1874). As Curator for Berrett Conservation Studio, Pat consults with historic house museums and other public heritage sites about preventative conservation activities, collections management, and curatorial practice.

Mary Kelley is the Ruth Bordin Collegiate Professor of History, American Culture, and Women’s Studies at the University of Michigan. A former member of the Board of Trustees at Mount Holyoke College, Mary Kelley has also served as a trustee for the American Antiquarian Society. She was president of the American Studies Association from 1999 to 2000 and the Society of Historians of the Early American Republic from 2006 to 2007. She also chaired the Council of the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture from 2004 to 2007, and is the author, co-author, and editor of eight books.

Arden Kirkland specializes in building digital collections for teaching with material culture. As Costumer for the Drama Department at Vassar College, she is also a curator of Vassar's research collection of historic clothing. She has taught at Vassar, Bard, Marist, and Barnard; she was formerly the Costume Shop Supervisor at Bard College and the Assistant Shop Manager of the Costume Shop for the Juilliard School. While pursuing a Masters of Library and Information Science at Syracuse University, she is building upon her MFA in Costume Design to promote inter-disciplinary and inter-institutional approaches to teaching with artifacts.

Cheryl Klimaszewski is Digital Collections Specialist at Bryn Mawr College, where she works with her colleagues to increase "virtual" access to many of the College’s special collections, from art and artifacts to archival photographs to college administrative records and manuscript collections. This includes digitizing analog collections as well as managing born-digital records of the college. She holds an MS-LIS from Drexel University and a bachelor’s degree in fine art photography from Bradley University.

Saskia Kusnecov is a second year undergraduate at Rutgers, and is enrolled in the university's Douglass Residential College. She is majoring in history and minoring in Spanish.

Lisa Levenstein is Associate Professor of History at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She is the author of A Movement Without Marches: African American Women and the Politics of Poverty in Postwar Philadelphia (UNC Press, 2009), which was the co-winner of the Kenneth Jackson Book Award from the Urban History Association and received an Honorable Mention for the Frederick Jackson Turner Award from the OAH. Most recently, Levenstein co-authored "The Big Tent of U.S. Women's History: A State of the Field," for the Journal of American History (December 2012). At UNC Greensboro, she teaches a range of courses about women's history, most of them focusing on the twentieth century United States.

Andrew Lissenden is a reference and instruction librarian at Rutgers University Libraries.

Laura Mandell is Director of the Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture and Professor of English at Texas A&M University. She is the author of Misogynous Economies: The Business of Literature in Eighteenth-Century Britain (1999), a Longman Cultural Edition of The Castle of Otranto and Man of Feeling, and numerous articles primarily about eighteenth-century women writers, and Breaking the Book (forthcoming). She is Editor of the Poetess Archive, on online scholarly edition and database of women poets, 1750-1900, Director of 18thConnect, and Director of ARC, the Advanced Research Consortium overseeing NINES, 18thConnect, and MESA. Her current research involves developing new methods for visualizing poetry, developing software that will allow all scholars to deep-code documents for data-mining, and improving OCR software for early modern and 18th-c. texts via high performance and cluster computing.

Melissa Mandell is Project Manager for Education and Interpretation at the Drexel University College of Medicine Legacy Center. Prior to joining the Legacy Center, she was the editor and coordinator for the PhilaPlace.org neighborhood history project at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania (HSP), and before that served as editorial assistant for two HSP publications, Pennsylvania Legacies magazine and the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. She worked in education and development at the Rosenbach Museum & Library and the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance before receiving her MA in American and Public History from Temple University in 2007.

Kären M. Mason is Curator of the Iowa Women's Archives, University of Iowa Libraries, a position she has held since the archives' founding in 1992. She earned degrees in history from Bryn Mawr College, the University of Minnesota, and the University of Michigan, where her dissertation focused on US women's history. Mason's involvement with women's history dates to the 1970s, when she worked on the Women's History Sources survey at the University of Minnesota and co-authored a Women's History Tour of the Twin Cities (1982). She is the author of a number of articles on women's archives and women's history.

Nancy Maveety is Professor of Political Science, Director of the Gender and Sexuality Studies Program and Project Director of the Beverly Blair Cook Papers at Tulane University. She is the author of Representation Rights and the Burger Years (Michigan, 1991) and Sandra Day O'Connor: Strategist on the Supreme Court (Rowman Littlefield, 1996). Nancy has worked with students in classes using archives, and recently worked with a student to create a website on the career of Beverly Blair Cook, a leader in second-wave academic feminism.

Evan McGonagill is a research assistant for The Albert M. Greenfield Digital Center for the History of Women’s Education, where she generates content for the Center’s teaching resources, digital repository, and related social media, and assists the Director with administrative management. Prior to her work on Greenfield, Evan worked for two years as a Program Assistant and Systems Associate at The Open Society Institute in New York. She graduated from Bryn Mawr College with a BA in English in 2010.

Monica L. Mercado (BA, Barnard College; MA, University of Chicago) is a Ph.D. candidate in History at the University of Chicago. She is completing her dissertation "Women and the Word: Gender, Print, and Catholic Identity in 19th-Century America" as a fellow at Chicago's Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality, where she directs an oral history initiative. Previously, she co‐curated the exhibition 'On Equal Terms'—Educating Women at the University of Chicago. From 2001 2004 she worked in program development at the Museum of the City of New York. She has taught history and gender studies at the University of Chicago and the University of Illinois Chicago. Monica can also be found on Twitter: @monicalmercado

Ken Middleton is Digital Initiatives Librarian and Professor at Middle Tennessee State University. He received the ABC-CLIO Online History Award and the ACRL Women's Studies Section Significant Achievement Award for developing Discovering American Women's History Online, a database that currently improves access to more than 620 digital collections. His tenure as editor of Microform & Digitization Review (2005 to 2012) included a theme issue on women's history digital collections. He started the collaborative blog Women's History Sources in 2009. Middleton was Co-Principal Investigator for an Institute of Museum and Library Services National Leadership Grant in support of Tennessee's statewide digitization program.

Marla Miller (a member of the Historic Dress working group) is a historian of women and work at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she also directs the Public History Program. The author of The Needle's Eye: Women and Work in the Age of Revolution and Betsy Ross and the Making of America, her scholarship is deeply informed by the material culture of women's labor, including clothing, tools, and the built environment. As a public historian, she also contributes regularly to museum interpretation as well as the creation of digital tools that expand public history practice.

Michelle Moravec is an associate professor of History and Director of the Program in gender and women's studies at Rosemont College in Philadelphia. She has published widely on the women's liberation movement in the United States. During a recent sabbatical she began exploring the digital humanities and now participates via Twitter (@professmoravec) and a blog (historyinthecity.blogspot.com). Her interests center on the differences between digital history and the digital humanities and in how digital tools allow historians to answer their questions.

Dr. Alla Myzelev is a lecturer of Art History at the University of Guelph. She is working on the book Canadian Architecture and Design 1910-37: From Vernacular to Deco, From Rustic to Polished. Myzelev is a co-editor (with Dr. John Potvin) of the Collecting Subjects in Britain, 1700-1914: The Visual Meanings and Pleasures of Material Culture (Ashgate, 2009). She has received numerous prestigious fellowships and grants including most recently two Paul Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship (2007) and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Post-Doctoral Doctoral Fellowship (2007-08). Myzelev also published on Russian Avant-Garde designs, Craft and design revival in Britain, and 21st century knitting revival.

Jennifer Palmentiero is Digital Services Librarian at the Southeastern New York Library Resources Council where she coordinates the Council's digitization service, Hudson River Valley Heritage (HRVH; www.hrvh.org). Visitors to HRVH can search or browse approximately 35,000 historical resources contributed by over 40 cultural heritage organizations in the Hudson Valley region of New York. Jennifer provides training and support to partner organizations on all aspects of digitization: copyright considerations, project management, scanning, and metadata creation.

Mary Panzer is a historian of photography. Her essays on figures such as Eve Arnold, Richard Avedon, Irving Penn, and Stanley Kubrick appeared in American Photo, the Wall Street Journal, The Chicago Tribune, Vanity Fair and Aperture. From 1992-2000, as Curator of Photographs at the National Portrait Gallery/Smithsonian Institution, she assembled the first modern exhibition of the work of Mathew Brady (1823?-1896). Ms. Panzer is co-author of THINGS AS THEY ARE: Photojournalism in Context Since 1955 (2005), winner of the ICP/Infinity Award for Best Photography Book of 2005. Ms. Panzer teaches in the Department of Media, Culture and communication at the Steinhardt School of Education, Culture and Human Development at New York University.

Jen Rajchel serves a dual role as Tri-Co Digital Humanities Assistant Director and the Curator of Digital Scholarship at Haverford Library.

Dr. Jennifer Redmond is Director of The Albert M. Greenfield Digital Center for the History of Women's Education at Bryn Mawr College. She is also a Council on Libraries and Information Resources (CLIR) Postdoctoral Fellow with a joint appointment between Special Collections and the History Department. She holds a B.A. (Hons.) from University College Dublin and an M.Phil and PhD. from the School of Histories and Humanities, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Her research in women's social and educational history has been published in international journals and edited collections and she is currently working on her first monograph on Irish women's migration history. Jennifer is the International Secretary of the Women's History Association of Ireland and the national representative for Ireland to the International Federation for Research in Women's History. As Director of The Albert M. Greenfield Digital Center, Jennifer coordinates the research activities and the selection of primary sources for the digital repository of materials related to women's educational history, including resources for teachers.

Mia Ridge is researching a PhD (Department of History, Open University) focusing on crowdsourcing and the collaborative digitisation of historical materials. She has published and presented widely on her research including design for participation in cultural heritage. She is Chair of the Museums Computer Group (UK), a member of the Association for Computers and the Humanities Executive Council and editor of the forthcoming volume 'Crowdsourcing our cultural heritage'. Mia also took part in the 2012 Wikipedia edit-a-thon at the Royal Society and has been exploring the user of digital tools for presenting the lives and work of early scientific women.

Dr. Amy Rogers has been teaching at Lycoming College since 2007. She earned her B.A. at Lycoming College, received her M.A. from Bloomsburg University, and earned her doctorate at Pennsylvania State University. Amy's work studied the effects of local history in relation to a student's level of civic mindedness and civic engagement. Her research areas include teacher leadership, pre-service teacher education, civic education, civic engagement, and local history. Responsible for the Secondary Teacher Education Program and Teacher Certification Program, Amy teaches courses and is an advisor to education students seeking middle and/or secondary certification.

Nancy G. Rosoff is Dean for Graduate and Undergraduate Studies at Arcadia University. Her research interests include history of women; women's athletic activity; history of education; gender and popular culture; and American and British cultural history. She has presented her research at the annual meetings of the Women's History Network (UK), the American Historical Association, the History of Education Society (UK), the International Standing Committee on the History of Education, and the Popular Culture/American Culture Association. In 2011, she gave one of the plenary addresses at the History of Education Society annual conference. For further information, see: http://nancyrosoff.wordpress.com/

Candace Ross is a Tulane University sophomore majoring in business. She has worked as an intern on a number of projects in the Vorhoff Library, most recently adding oral histories to an online site.

Astrida Schaeffer is lead organizer of the New Hampshire Historic Dress Project. As costume historian and museum mannequin maker, she has been working with costume collections since 1998 and has curated a number of costume exhibitions, most recently Embellishments: Constructing Victorian Detail at the University of NH. Assistant director of the Museum of Art, UNH for ten years, she is now principal of SchaefferArts Costume Exhibition & Care and guest curator of the Irma Bowen Textile Collection at UNH. Her mannequins have appeared in several publications, including her 2013 book, Embellishments. She holds an MA in History from UNH.

Jaelle Scheuerman joined Newcomb College Institute as a Tech Liaison in July 2010. She manages the Collat Media Lab, which aims to provide undergraduate women with technical skills by offering training, support and resources. She oversees an internship program that provides students the opportunity to work with faculty and staff on multidisciplinary projects with a digital media component. Prior to joining Tulane University, she worked in many roles as a technology professional including web design, application development, training and support. She received her bachelor's degree in computer science from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in 2010.

Mary Sieminski is a retired librarian with a long and varied career in library services in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania libraries. She is a native of Lycoming County with a strong interest in local and women's history. She has managed this project since its inception in 2006. Mary graduated from Bucknell University, earned a masters degree in American Literature from Boston University and her M.L.S from Simmons College.

Kiki Smith is a professor of Theatre at Smith College in Northampton, MA and costume designer for theatres and choreographers in New England and New York. She is the director/curator of the Smith College Historic Clothing Collection, over 2,000 objects donated by alumnae and friends of the College. Since there is no comprehensive study of American dress, she is eager to help digitize the extensive research of independent scholars of dress, making their sources and knowledge available and creating a forum for the publication of essays and research on dress- a rich source for digital humanities research in women's history.

Anna St.Onge is archivist in charge of Digital Projects and Outreach at the Clara Thomas Archives & Special Collections at York University in Toronto. She holds a B.A. in History and Celtic Studies from the University of Toronto, and a Master of Information Studies degree from the University of Toronto with a specialization in Archival Studies and Book History & Print Culture. Currently chair Archeion (a web-based repository of the province of Ontario's archival descriptions and virtual exhibits) she has published on the archival legacy of Dutch spiritual writer Henri Nouwen and Canadian writer Sheila Watson.

Dr. Ellen J. Staurowsky is a full professor in the Department of Sport Management at Drexel University. She is internationally recognized as an expert on social justice issues in sport which include gender equity and Title IX, pay equity and equal employment opportunity, the exploitation of athletes, the faculty role in reforming college sport, representation of women in sport media, and the misappropriation of American Indian imagery in sport. She is co-author of the book, College Athletes for Hire: The Evolution and Legacy of the NCAA Amateur Myth. In addition to publications in scholarly journals such as the Harvard Journal of Law and Gender, Journal of Sport and Social, Issues, Sociology of Sport Journal, Quest, Journal of Sport Management, the International Journal of Sport Sociology, the Marquette Sports Law Review, the Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport, and the International Journal of Sport History, her critiques and analyses on a variety of issues have appeared in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Street & Smith's SportsBusiness Journal, The NCAA News, The New York Times, Huffington Post, The Atlantic Magazine, Athletic Management Magazine, College Athletic Clips, and News From Indian Country.

Margo Hobbs Thompson teaches modern and contemporary art history at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA. She directs the Humanities Seminar there, and plans to develop a year long program exploring the digital humanities for faculty research and pedagogy. She has published on feminist art and sensibilities in Genders, GLQ, and the Journal of Lesbian Studies. She has presented her recent research on feminist erotica and the feminist gaze at the Northeast Modern Language Association conference, the National Women's Studies Association conference, and the Feminist Art History Conference.

Adam Tow and Rae Chang are husband-and-wife filmmakers based in the San Francisco Bay Area. In 2009 they completed the documentary feature AUTUMN GEM: The Story of Modern China's First Feminist. It was screened at over 120 venues worldwide, including Stanford University, UC Berkeley, Princeton, Brown, University of Maryland, University of British Columbia, and University of Hong Kong. We have presented at the 2011 Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, 2010 Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, Tenth International Women in Asia Conference at Australian National University, and 2009 USChina Peoples Friendship Association National Conference.

Susan Tucker oversees the Newcomb Archives and special collections within the Vorhoff Library, Newcomb College Institute of Tulane University. A former Fulbright scholar to Iceland, Susan is the author of Telling Memories Among Southern Women (LSU Press, 1988), and other publications on material and archival history. Her co-edited book, The Scrapbook in American Life, won the Allen G. Noble Book award, for the best-edited book in the field of North American material culture.

Tilly Vriend is International Project Manager at Atria, Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She has been actively involved in the field of Women’s/Gender information since 1982. Vriend manages many national and international projects concerning the accessibility and visibility of women’s information, among which the implementation of the Dutch Women’s Thesaurus and the European Women’s Thesaurus; the management/development of the FRAGEN database of core feminist texts (www.Fragen.nu); development of a portal on Gender Based Violence in cooperation with EIGE, European Institute for Gender Equality (Lithuania). Vriend is board member of AtGender, The European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation, a professional organization in the field of international gender studies and board member of WINE, the Women’s Information Network in Europe. She is a speaker at many conferences and was actively involved in the organization of several conferences concerning Gender Information in Amsterdam (1998) and in Kampala (2002) and in Mexico, (2006), Gothenburg (2012) She was a trainer within the project Building women’s information centers in Eastern Europe. Vriend did Library and Information Studies at the Frederik Müller Academy in Amsterdam (The Netherlands).

Gina Luria Walker is Associate Professor of Women's Studies at The New School where she teaches Women's Intellectual History. She is editor of the Chawton House Library Edition of Mary Hays's Female Biography (1803), the lives of 300 women, to be published by Pickering & Chatto (2013, 2014). She has assembled a global collaborative of 150 scholars and researchers, representing 106 institutions in 18 countries and four continents, to annotate Hays's 300 "female biographies," using a private website for scholarly interactions. Project Continua, a public website, emerges from the rich scholarship being produced that demands ongoing, expanded collaboration.

Karen Weaver, Ed.D. Prior to joining the Sport Management program at Drexel University as a full-time faculty member, Dr. Weaver was the Athletic Director at Penn State Abington. During her tenure, Penn State Abington underwent a dramatic re-birth as a member of the North Eastern Athletic Conference, the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference, and a provisional member of the NCAA in Division III. Under Dr. Weaver, Penn State Abington's athletics program added six teams, eight head coaches, and more than 100 athletic opportunities for student athletes in just three years.

Jean C. Whelan, PhD, RN, is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Nursing at the University of Pennsylvania and Assistant Director of the Barbara Bates Center for the Study of the History of Nursing. Her research expertise focuses on the history of the nursing profession, workforce issues shaping nursing's development and policy implications involved in maintaining adequate nurse services. She is Project Director of two innovative digital projects on nursing. Her recent publications focus on demographic characteristics of American nurses and their distribution to the public. Dr. Whelan is currently President of the American Association for the History of Nursing.

Koren Whipp is an MA student in Historical Studies at The New School for Social Research in New York City. She is Deputy Director and Web Producer for Project Continua, and Project Manager and Web Producer for The Female Biography Project, a global collaborative of scholars and researchers producing the Chawton House Library Edition of Mary Hays's Female Biography (1803). Her research focuses on Early Modern Women’s History and Enlightenment.

Jeri Wieringa is a PhD student in history at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, studying the intersections of religious history, gender theory, and digital methodologies. Her current research is focused on religious movements in the United States during the nineteenth century, with a particular interest in Seventh-Day Adventism, millennialism, and negotiations at the boundaries of "orthodox" belief and practice. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Calvin College with majors in philosophy and English and graduated summa cum laude with a Master of Arts in Religion degree, concentrated in the history of Christianity, from Yale Divinity School.

Jen Wolfe is Digital Scholarship Librarian at the University of Iowa Libraries, where she has coordinated projects such as the Iowa Women's Archives Digital Collection and the DIY History crowdsourcing site. Prior to her work at Iowa, she was a Digital Collections Cataloger at the Experience Music Project, assisting with such museum initiatives as the Riot Grrrl Retrospective oral history project. Wolfe has written and presented on women's scrapbooks, career novels, romance comics, fanzines, and Nancy Drew author Mildred Wirt Benson.

Christine Woyshner is Professor of Education at Temple University, where she coordinates the Social Studies Certification Program and directs the Graduate Teacher Certification Program. Her research focuses on the role of women’s voluntary organizations in public education in the twentieth century; she also conducts research on gender in the K-12 school curriculum. Woyshner earned her doctorate at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education in 1999. In addition to publishing numerous articles and book chapters, she is author or co-editor of Minding Women: Reshaping the Educational Realm (Harvard Educational Publishing Group, 1998), Social Education in the Twentieth Century: Curriculum and Context for Citizenship (Peter Lang Publishers, 2004), The Educational Work of Women’s Organizations, 1890-1960 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008); and The National PTA, Race, and Civic Engagement, 1897-1970 (Ohio State University Press, 2009).